Financial accounting professionals faced the challenging but exciting task of getting to know the new rules. Eva Veinberg, who had worked as the chief accountant at ETKVL Orto in the eighties, left the company in 1989 to join Cross Development, where the foundations for Hansapank were also laid. At the time, Veinberg attended courses in which a Finnish lecturer introduced international accounting standards.

“I was not the only one who needed new knowledge: other accountants needed it as well,” Veinberg recalls. “This is where myself and a former colleague of mine from ETKVL got the idea of starting to organise training in accounting.” The private limited company Pen was founded for the provision of the training. As it soon turned out, they struck gold: training with external lecturers proved to be very popular. “The ETKVL hall on Narva Road in Tallinn was packed,” recalls Veinberg, who bought her first car, a Lada 09, with the money she earned from the training.

Certificate of registration of Public Limited Company Rimess dated 6 March 1992.

Veinberg and Alev, whose success in the world of training came as much of a surprise to them as to anyone else, realised in early 1992 that they didn’t want to focus on training in the future, and neither of them had any plans to abandon their profession. So they had another idea: to establish an accounting firm.